We respects the privacy of every individual who visits our website or sends us emails. Therefore, we comply with applicable data privacy legislation with regard to the processing of personal data. This Privacy Policy describes how we process and protect your personally identifiable information that we collect when you are accessing or using our website or when you contact us.
Information You Provide to Us
You may have the opportunity, via our website or other means, to choose to provide us with personal information about you. This information may include, but is not limited to, your name, email address, and phone number. If you choose to share any personal data with us via our website or via email, we may store it and use that information to assist you with any questions you may have. When you contact us, we will keep a record of our correspondence.We may also store data that you voluntarily provide to keep you informed about our activities.
You will receive general information from us only if you choose to do so. Once your consent is indicated, you will have the possibility to contact us in case you no longer want us to use your personal information for those purposes
Sharing of Your Personal Data
We do not sell, rent, loan, trade, or lease your Personal Data collected online or offline to anyone, nor do we share it with other organizations.
However, under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your personal data (including personally identifiable information) when such action is necessary to comply with valid requests by public authorities, and/or to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process, and/or in connection with a verified request relating to criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity.
Opt-Out or Change Your Personal Information
You have the right to access, modify, correct and remove the data you have shared with us at any time. If you ask us to delete your data, we will do so. In order to avoid a situation where repeated, unwanted contacts could occur, we will keep a record of your request.
Please note that we may be required to retain and use your information if necessary to comply with legal obligations or to resolve disputes.
You may visit our website anonymously. Except as described in this Privacy Policy, we do not collect identification data of our visitors.
We do, however, use cookies (small data files that stay on your computer or other device and let us know when and how often you visit our site) and other technologies to ensure you have the best possible experience when using our website. Cookies do not identify the individual user.
Cookies and other similar technology can make it easier for you to use the website during future visits. Cookies only record which areas of the site have been visited by the computer in question, and for how long. We will not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about you.
Allowing us to create a cookie does not give us access to the rest of your computer and we will not use cookies to track your online activity once you leave our site. However, if you want to restrict or block cookies, you can do it through your Internet browser settings. Most browsers will allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Please refer to your browser instructions to learn more about these functions.
Linked Servers and Websites
For your convenience, throughout our web pages, we provide links to other servers and/or websites which may contain information of interest to our users. We are not responsible for, and this Privacy Policy does not apply to, the privacy practices of any linked services and/or websites. We exercise no control over the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on other linked servers and/or websites. We encourage you to seek out and read the privacy policy of each linked servers and/or websites that you visit to understand how the data that is collected about you is processed and protected.
We do not knowingly process personal data from anyone under the age of 16. If you are under 16, please do not attempt to send us any personal data about yourself. If we learn that we have collected personal data from a child under age 16, we will delete that data.
Updates to Our Privacy Policy
We are constantly improving our website, so we may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will alert you to any changes by noting them on our website and/or by sending you an email when we are required to do so by applicable law.
Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices and your rights, you may send an IG message to @guillaumexb
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